‘Nuclear Ninja’ Suicide Mission To Save Japan / A handful of “heroes” (180) working to avert a total meltdown at Japan’s crippled nuclear plant have told loved ones not to expect them to return home. 5 persons have Already Died…

4 Responses to “‘Nuclear Ninja’ Suicide Mission To Save Japan / A handful of “heroes” (180) working to avert a total meltdown at Japan’s crippled nuclear plant have told loved ones not to expect them to return home. 5 persons have Already Died…”

  1. Mitalee Says:

    i have been following the ‘Fukushima Fifty’ since i first read about them and i salute them…it’s not just Japan they are saving, they are saving all of us. my heart goes out to their families…may God give them strength.

  2. Virginia Says:

    Would someone please explain to the Japanese that it is proper to name and honor their heroes who have died in the nuclear mission.

  3. The world will remember that brave men and women said “Yes” to the call. The Japanese people and these brave workers have saved the world from an even greater catastrophe. They will always be in our thoughts. May their actions be a light to the rest of us. When the call came, they responded, for all of our sake. The people of the earth owe to them and their families a debt of gratitude which can only be repaid with our own lives. May we be worthy of their sacrifice.

  4. I feel sorry for their families too. For Chernobyl there were 600 000 People who cleaned up. On this nuclear accident they are very few people and my heart goes to them for the sacrifice they are making. Even though this is not really saving the world as radiation spread since March 11th 2011 all over the world and will continue for nearly a year…………..

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